photo editing tips and tutorials

Smartphone Camera Performance

With so many smartphones coming out in all sorts of versions its hard to compare products. Here are two places that I go for phone comparison data and particularly for the still camera and video camera performance benchmarks.

It is fairly simple to setup the comparison – and the review ratings are often bang on. However I await data for smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S2.  Also what I really want is a comparison of the still camera and video taking capabilities of the latest smartphones. And I have found a second site for that

GSMArena offers  just great camera comparisons like the following:

Note the camera comparison is truly robust – click on the Gray Chart tab on the bottom of the image and a new image is brought up for further side by side comparison. Ditto for the Color Poster tab. Note the green rectangle in the middle of the image. That is movable with the mouse – just click and drag for more comparative views of the image. Finally the drop down widgets allow users to change the selected smartphones being compared very easily.

And there is a video comparison as well:

Again the tabs along the bottom of the image allow you to change the comparison image. Also the green rectangle moves with a mouse click so you can compare different magnified areas of the photo. To my surprise some of the smartphone cameras that did well in the still camera images performed less well in the video taking – and vice versa. Finally the video images at 1080p are not all created equal – check that out too.

This is the reason these comparison pages are so helpful. If you have a favorite place to do your smartphone comparison shopping,  please add it to the comments below. Ditto for digital camera performance comparisons. 

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